

2018 Greenburgh budget hearing: Town Board continues restricting TDYCC funding with several troubling statements.

2018 Greenburgh budget hearing: Town Board continues restricting TDYCC funding with several troubling statements.

The Town’s Department of Community Resources/TDY Community Center provides essential social services on a Town-wide basis. Its mission is to address “problems caused by poverty, racism, or cultural deprivation.”
However, only the Town’s unincorporated areas (and not the Town’s villages) are taxed to support TDY’s budget, thereby denying TDY access to broader and more stable Town-wide funding.
Here, Paul Feiner defends this longstanding Town policy by citing a statistic without providing a source. In any case, we find it troubling that Mr. Feiner is suggesting that:

1) only users of social services should pay for social services, which is obviously not how such programs function in the United States; and

2) village residents, who also live in Greenburgh and vote for Town Supervisor, should somehow be relieved from paying their fair share for TDY despite the fact that they have full access and do use the services, as Feiner readily admits. 

Click here for a five-minute video where Mr. Feiner actually stated this concept as the basis for the policy during the 2018 budget hearing.

In effect, Paul Feiner is either:

Accusing the villages of wishing to fund social services EXCEPT those that deal with the problems caused by "poverty, racism, and cultural deprivation."


Providing dubious information about the villages' views on social services that address "poverty, racism, and cultural deprivation" to justify a policy of keeping taxes lower in areas where he gets the most votes.

That's how unincorporated Greenburgh is governed.

-The EIC

Hey Edgemont, our Town property taxes are rising 4.8%, on average, every year.

Hey Edgemont, our Town property taxes are rising 4.8%, on average, every year.

Town to Edgemont: Sue us

Town to Edgemont: Sue us