

ICYMI: CBS 2 News interviews Edgemont residents and Supervisor Feiner on "affidavitgate."

ICYMI: CBS 2 News interviews Edgemont residents and Supervisor Feiner on "affidavitgate."

Yesterday, CBS 2 News picked up the story about the Town’s attempt to mislead residents into filing objections to the incorporation petition with his attorney and private investigators help. The Supervisor then claimed that despite believing the incorporation would be bad for everyone and everything, he was still in good position to judge the validity of the petition without prejudice, a position we find questionable.
The supervisor defended the tactic saying “they’re not being tricked and if anybody was tricked, if it turns out those people say they were tricked, we’re not going to use any of those affidavits." After watching the youtube video, the Supervisor's belief that its citizens were not tricked seem a little out of touch, even for Mr. Feiner. However, Supervisor Feiner doubles down on that position by also taking the position that the onus to object to the objections is now on the residents who signed these affidavits. 
The hearing on the legal sufficiency of the petition will be held on tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 at the Anthony F Veteran multipurpose center. Please come and watch that meeting to see how our Town behaves with our constitutional rights and tax dollars.
Click here for the newscastClick here for the youtube video or watch here:

Video: Town suppresses citizens' rights (again), but blames residents for having to adjourn the petition hearing.

Video: Town suppresses citizens' rights (again), but blames residents for having to adjourn the petition hearing.

Risks or Myths? Stock opposition rhetoric to watch for and question tonight.

Risks or Myths? Stock opposition rhetoric to watch for and question tonight.